Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Free the Girls!


Bras for a Cause!

Give your used and unwanted bras a chance at a second life! Almost every woman has a graveyard of bras lurking at the back of her underwear drawer: no longer used, no longer fitting, out of style, taking up space.

The problem…

More than 27 million people today are victims of modern slavery, 80% of them women and girls. They are often kidnapped or sold into it under desperate circumstances primarily for commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor. The average age of these trafficking victims is 12. You can help us do something about it today!

When you donate a bra, you give a former slave a job. It’s that simple.

We are collecting gently used bras and donating them to Free the Girls, who work alongside safe houses around the world, that rescue women from sex trafficking and provide rehabilitation services.

Your donation helps survivors of human trafficking make a living selling used clothing while they recover and build their new life.

So gather up those gently used bras and drop them in our special hamper between now and November 5th.

Thank you for partnering with us and taking action against human trafficking

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