Tuesday, July 26, 2011

On the move.

Second Load.
A rare beautiful sunny weekend, is the perfect time to pack up and haul an office to a new site.  Hard working elves were busy creating a new space for us all week.  Much gratitude to Jesse Mong, Kye Weickert, Len Stroud, such dedication to their craft.  The construction zone was transformed into a spacious chiropractic haven.

Add lights, paint and ACTION!
The deadline was tight, burning the midnight oil is a saying for a reason.  Even the Telus technician was impressed when he had to return on Monday, since the Internet was missed on Friday.  He couldn't believe the transformation.    It is difficult to impress a Telus tech.

Placing the heavy adjustment table.
Must take care of our movers.
Notice what Shaun is moving....

Mobile adjusting, Chiropractic on the move.

Mandy with muscle!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Team Work!

A small part of the team.
The future Dr. Shaun, back to his roots painting.
Wow! Team work in action this past weekend at the office!  And what a team we had!  Thanks to Tannis for Friday's run.  Then Saturday was Cathy and a trailer, thank you.  Thanks to Jason for the use of his Trailer.  The movers that came on time, and were so enthusiastic! Thanks to Jason, David and Levi!  What a crew. In no time we had the old office emptied.  By 7 p.m. we were set up in the new space.  It is amazing how focused everyone was, completing this project in record time and it looks fabulous!  Support in this community has always been great. Thank goodness for Shaun, who also paints.  He was so busy painting, we hardly saw him.

Mandy was an excellent packer, she seemed to get carried away at times, packing everything in sight. Although we didn't need to move the toilet, we came close to removing it for fun!
Boxed up and ready.

Jamie at Elk Valley Networks was so helpful with computers.  There are always glitches and Jamie just glides through the glitches.  Expert help, so accommodating and encouraging.  The front desk is command central and after packing all those cables and cords, we were glad we didn't have to reassemble them.
Drop by to see the new temporary space at 1161 7th Ave.  Or Call for your next adjustment. Stay tuned for more on the moving weekend, we have more photos and treats!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Begging for Boxes!

It seems boxes are a rarity in town.  But thank goodness we have a lot of generous people working at various stores.  They see us coming and they have boxes ready.  We seem to fill them faster than we get them.
Thanks to one of our clients, who is saving boxes for her move, we will get them back to you after we are done.  A big thank you to Cincott Market for their contribution and the ever supportative Overwaitea.  Also, The Government Liquor Store, those smaller boxes are so handy.
The box is a wonderful invention.  A tip for all of you out there, cut handles into the box, easier to carry that way, cut the handle before you fill it.
Make sure you check out our temporary space at 1161 7th Ave., formerly Fernie Sports, right beside Red Tree Lodge and Mountain View Dental.  All contact numbers remain the same.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Welcome to Mandy, our newest Team Member!

First I’d like to say how excited I am to be a part of the team at Elk Valley Family Chiropractic!
Welcome Mandy!

I’m new to chiropractic, but health and wellness has been something I’ve been aspiring to for myself and others.

After high school, I did my Physical Education Degree at University of Alberta. As a grad present to myself, I took off for a year of travelling. It was the best decision I made as far as self discovery goes. I was able to see and experience so many new things as well as get perspective and direction for my next steps in life.

When I got home, I saved up some cash and moved to Calgary. There I took my Registered Massage Therapy certification at Mount Royal University. Previous ski trips to Fernie led me to apply for massage work here after graduating. I got work at Island Lake Lodge and Lizard Creek and arrived in time for the 2010 ski season. I quickly adapted to my new Fernie lifestyle of working hard and playing hard.

A few weeks ago, I came in for my first adjustment. I felt an instant connection between massage and chiropractic and how they both provide important health and wellness benefits. I was fortunate enough to come in at a time when Dr. Mike was looking for a new member to join the team. To my surprise, Dr. Mike thought I would be a good fit for this position. From the positive experience I had in the office, I was happy to accept the position.

I wish Shaun all the best as he goes off to chiropractic college. And thanks for all the help with my training!

Mandy training very hard.
I look forward to working with Dr. Mike and Karen. I believe my education and work experience will be an asset in the office.  I feel that the opportunity to work in the office will give me a greater perspective of holistic wellness that I will apply to a fulfilling career.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Moving Day is fast approaching!

We are moving to our Temporary location on July 22.  We will be up and running in the temporary location July 25th.  Our regular hours will remain the same. Monday, Tuesday, Thursdays 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. Wednesdays 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. You will still be able to reach us at 250-423-3003. 
The carpenters are in the temporary location now, sprucing it up for us.  Then the contractor will begin here August 1st.  We are looking forward to improving our office to serve you more efficiently.   Stay tuned for more updates as the chaos continues!
As added fun we are training Shaun's replacement Mandy.  She is doing great and we will have more details about Mandy for the next post.