Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pandemic of Impatience!

If impatience were a germ we would describe it as a pandemic in our modern society. Our fast-paced world has changed so much that we expect everything to change at Broadband speed. We have become so used to fast food, fast Internet, fast cars and busy schedules that we don't even blink when we are told we can have a quick fix for our health. After all, we have a lot to do and we don't have time to muck around!
But really, does it make sense? We are a natural ecosystem, and like any other natural ecosystem, our bodies take time to heal. You wouldn't chop a chunk out of a tree and expect it to recover tomorrow. You wouldn't fertilise a plant that has had no nutrients and expect it to have made a full recovery that afternoon. So why do you think your body is any different?

It takes time for your body to heal. If we are looking at a injured muscle, the first thing you need to do is remove the reason it got that way. How is it going to heal properly if it keeps getting reinjured by the same misalignment, restriction, subluxation or stressor that caused it in the first place? Then your body needs to go through an inflammation phase, then lay down the new healthy tissues, then rearrange and build up those tissues so that the muscle is strong and coordinated. No pill or surgery can do this kind of healing, only your body can.

So be patient with your body. When you start a new health regime, be it a new diet, exercise, positive thinking or even chiropractic care, don't expect miracles over night. Quick fixes don't contribute to real, long-lasting health and in fact often can make matters worse. Give your body time and you will amazed at the wonders it can do.

By Dr. Brett Hill, DC

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Subluxation Free

Reducing nerve interference.  Eliminating subluxations,  increasing energy flow.  We can optimize your health potential!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Your Time!

Time is you most precious commodity and it is non renewable
"Time is free, but it is priceless.  You can't own it, but you can use it.  You can't keep it, but you can spend it.  Once you've lost it, you can never get it back."  Harvey MacKay.

Value your time.

How to Boil a Frog!

How to Boil a Frog is a comedic documentary about Overshoot: too many people using up too little planet much too fast. Yes, we’ve taken the kind of material that makes people jump off bridges, put it in a blender, and churned out a Smoothie o’ Fun that gives you the Big Picture of what the hell is going on with our so-called civilization, and tells you what you and I can do about it that will not only actually make a difference (no light bulbs!) but also make our lives better right now!

Think Tank Cinema screens thought provoking movies and documentaries covering current social and environmental issues. Think Tank Cinema is back and better than ever EVERY third Monday from October thru April, 7pm @ the Arts Station. Healthy, fair trade snacks and beverages as well as organic popcorn are available. This is the 5th season of this by donation film series.

February 21, 2011 7pm at the Arts Station.