Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Experience our Vision!

Every 90 days we meet as a team and review our goals from the last 90 days.  We celebrate all the work we have accomplished and re-commit to the goals that yet, need to be done.  Then, we add ideas and projects for the next 90 days.  It is a very involved process that helps keep us focused and able to concentrate on a variety of concepts. 
Hosmer & the Elk River.
Usually, after we have mapped out our next 90 days we honour our team efforts with some fun.  Last fall was golfing.  (Which is its own kind of "fun".) This time it was horseback riding with Alpine Enthusastis. http://www.alpineenthusiasts.com/   Lindsay was a wonderful guide, treating us to astounding scenery, stories and tales.   We realise how fit you have to be to ride horse.  Some of our clients are living proof of that.  Surprisingly, we survived the ride without any mishaps.  Other than Shaun's horse loosing its halter.  We were only a little seat sensative later, but not too bad.  I'll bet that means we maintained good posture and alignment while encouraging a horse to be gentle with us.  Apparenlty, horse sense these things....This also marked our last Vision process with Shaun, who will be leaving for Chiropractic school in August.  We miss him already.

Shaun, Karen, Dr. Mike
If you are interested in a trail ride or even kids camp or lessons check out Alpine's website.  Or call them at 250-423-0564.  There is so much to do in our wonderful valley!

Dr. Mike on Buckshot!

Shaun & Dr. Mike

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bare Foot Running the next Power Hour!

Learning the Skill of Barefoot Running from Terra Plana on Vimeo.

Dr. Mike Rumpel, explores the benefits of going barefoot.  It's good for us in many ways. 
Come to our next Power Hour at the College of the Rockies, Fernie Campus.  July 11, 2011 7 p.m. to learn so much more.  Register at our office 250-423-3003 or at the College 250-423-4691
Check out all the College courses at http://www.cotr.bc.ca/fernie/

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Chiropractors with Compassion Projects

Dr. Mike had a chance to visit many of the projects that Chiropractors With Compassion has completed in Kenya.  Due to political unrest, their visit to Uganda was cancelled. Below is a list of the projects that CWC has completed in these areas (the project #, name of project, the country, cost of project and date the project was completed).

Name of Project
Amount spent
Water for the Children of Uganda
Student Teacher's Environmental Program
Mathare St. Children Rescue Centre
Widows and Orphans Housing
Secondary Education in the Mathare Slums
Secondary Education in the Mathare Slums
Rehabilittion of Homes in Uganda
Child Sponsorship Project (300 children)
Around the world

Dr. Mike Adjusting in one of the schools built by CWC in the Mathare Slum
 These efforts are thanks to you, our clients.  For every new client that comes to our office, we donate $20 to Chiropractors With Compassion.  We believe in helping people transform their lives to unleash optimum potential!  If you can think of anyone who has not benefited from Chiropractic care, refer them to us.  We will help them and in turn, help people around the world.

Marthare Slum on the way to the "oasis" of the school.

You can always check out www.chiropractorswithcompassion.org for more information on their great projects.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Africa Adventures

Dr. Mike has returned safely from Kenya.  He had an amazing trip, has learned a lot and has so much to share with all of us.  He will be doing a presentation soon, as soon as we can get all the footage assembled and set a date.  Stay tuned for more information. 

Check out Chiropractors with Compassion's facebook website for more videos or check out their website http://www.chiropractorswithcompassion.org/ copy and paste the following link in your browser... http://www.facebook.com/pages/manage/#!/pages/CHIROPRACTORS-with-COMPASSION/341335969477